FDT Real-Time Supplement – May 2024 Issue | Navigating Industrial Device Management

May 22, 2024

In This Issue:

Discover the latest news and advancements in FDT/DTM development, which promise to streamline device management across all types of devices and communication buses. With FDT/DTM, managing diverse device ecosystems has never been easier.

  • Editorial: FDT/DTM: The Collaborative Standard for Intelligent Device Management – Steve Biegacki
  • Tech Focus: Revolutionizing Industrial Automation: The Impact of FDT and PI Technologies
  • FDT / CodeWrights Interview – In a compelling interview, Sven Giesecke and Steve Biegacki delve into the profound impact of FDT/DTM technology on the industrial automation community and highlight CodeWrights’ solutions that support developers in achieving their goals.
  • FDT Video: Importance of FDT/DTM for Ethernet/HART Applications – Rockwell Automation
  • FDT Product: VEGA Expands Radar Portfolio for Factory Automation – VEGA
  • FDT Services: FDT/DTM Development – One Platform All Device Types Using Any Bus – M&M Software
  • Press Release: FieldComm Group and FDT Group Explore Strategic Business Collaboration
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FDT Real-Time Supplement – March 2024 Issue | Fragmentation to Unity

March 5, 2024

In This Issue:

From overcoming integration hurdles to maximizing operational efficiency, this newsletter focuses on the pivotal role FDT/DTM technology enables in resolving intelligent device management challenges in control system applications across market domains, shaping the future of industrial innovation.

  • Editorial: FDT/DTM Technology’s Role in Configuration – Steve Biegacki
  • Tech Focus: FDT/DTM’s Flexibility in Integrating Hybrid Applications with EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP Protocols
  • FDT / Utthunga Interview: Interview with Utthunga (FDT Service Provider) focuses on how they help system and device vendors solve device integration challenges using FDT/DTM.
  • FDT Product: New Compact5000 Analog HART DTM-enabled I/O – Rockwell Automation
  • FDT Product: Yokogawa Adds New Functions to Oprex Field Instruments – Yokogawa
  • Survey Results: Automation Community Seeks Industrial Control System Harmonization
  • Press Release: FDT Group Certifies First FDT 3.0 DTM From Flowserve Corporation
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FDT Real-Time Supplement – December 2023 Issue | Open to Innovation

December 15, 2023

In This Issue:

In our fast-paced and busy world, finding harmony is a journey. Although harmony can be challenging to achieve, working harmony will innovate.

In this issue, read how FDT/DTMs harmonize the data wave in heterogeneous environments for control applications, opening the door to modernization.

It’s the season of harmony! Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We look forward to 2024!

  • Editorial: DTM is the Heart and Soul of Intelligent Device Management – Steve Biegacki
  • Tech Focus: DTM Opens HART to Modernization
  • FDT / VEGA Interview: What FDT/DTM Technology Means to VEGA, Sensor and the Industry – John Groom, CEO and President of VEGA Americas
  • FDT / M&M Software Interview: “FDT/DTM technology is a universal bridge that connects any device management scenario to any device under any fieldbus/protocol from any vendor.” Pingsheng Xu – Development Group Manager, M&M Software
  • FDT Product: DTM – Innovative Field Device Management – Schneider Electric
  • FDT Product: Configure with FDT/DTM – Omron
  • FDT Video: Paul Brooks – Rockwell Automation – Senior Manager, Technology and Innovation Group
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FDT Real-Time Supplement – October 2023 Issue | Unifying Control Systems

October 24, 2023

In This Issue:

FDT/DTM (IEC 62453) focuses on eliminating intelligent device management barriers to enable data harmonization and access enterprise-wide for the process, hybrid, and discrete markets. This issue emphasizes industry’s ‘opportunity for innovation’, allowing manufacturing to thrive by unifying control systems across market domains.

  • Editorial: Unifying Control Systems for Industrial Automation Markets – Steve Biegacki
  • Tech Focus: Can FDT/DTM Technology Work in Factory Automation and Hybrid Applications?
  • FDT News: Andre Uhl announced as new FDT Chairman and & New Certified DTMs
  • FDT Product: Harmonizing Cross-Platform Access With Legacy DTMs – M&M Software
  • FDT Product: The ‘Full Version’ DTM Collection is Now Free for Everyone – VEGA
  • FDT Product: Improve Operations with DTMs to Gain Access to Plant-Floor Data – Rockwell Automation
  • FDT Product: Innovative Field Device Management Solution – Schneider Electric
  • FDT Product: Yokogawa Adds New Functions to Oprex Field Instruments – Yokogawa
  • Service Provider: M&M Software Video
  • Service Provider: CodeWrights Video
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FDT Real-Time Supplement – June 2023 Issue | Harmonization

May 30, 2023

In This Issue:

  • Editorial: Let’s Harmonize Intelligent Device Management
  • Tech Focus: Unified Environment for Control System Integration
  • FDT Service: Meet M&M Software’s Full Stack Now Supporting FDT UE – M&M Software
  • FDT Product: A More Reliable Level Measurement for Industry 4.0 – VEGA
  • FDT Product: New FLEXHA 5000 Modern I/O Platform Brings Flexibility and Reliability to Process Systems – Rockwell Automation
  • FDT Product: Altivar Soft Starter ATS480 Integrated Digitally for Easy Engineering, Selection and Downtime Reduction – Schneider Electric
  • Video: Harmonizing Industrial Device Management – Steve Biegacki
  • Video: FDT Enables Asset Management SoftwareSuriya Selvarja
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