Podcast: FDT (3.0) UE for the Industry 4.0 era
Control magazine editor-in-chief Keith Larson discusses the ongoing evolution of FDT and its increased relevance in the age of Industry 4.0 with Steve Biegacki, FDT Group managing director.
Control magazine editor-in-chief Keith Larson discusses the ongoing evolution of FDT and its increased relevance in the age of Industry 4.0 with Steve Biegacki, FDT Group managing director.
Members are encouraged to participate in two end-user pilot projects by providing FDT 3.0 Server, Desktop, and device DTM solutions along with FDT 2.x device and communication DTMs products.
FDT enables simulation environments for better, faster decision making
Leverage normalized device diagnostic data at a central point of access
Advancing open-based systems with service-oriented solutions
Accredited FDT Test Sites are now equipped with dtmINSPECTOR5 to automate and streamline testing of new FDT 3.0 WebUI-based DTMs entering the market
FDT IIoT Ecosystem is designed to harmonize and provide data collaborative innovation
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