Podcast: FDT (3.0) UE for the Industry 4.0 era

May 9, 2022

The insightful podcast covers the FDT evolutionary journey as the key integration standard for multivendor device configuration and diagnostic data generated by smart process instruments. In its current iteration as FDT UE (FDT3), it provides a platform-independent, web-enabled server environment for managing and monitoring instrumentation and all manner of Industrial IoT devices across process, hybrid and discrete manufacturing domains.

FDT Group Managing Director, Steve Biegacki joins Keith Larson Group Publisher – VP Endeavor Business Media on Control Amplified to discuss the ongoing evolution of FDT and its increased relevance in the age of I40.


Download Links:

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Pk8LSJvdHK4

Listen on iTunes: https://apple.co/2SLgQT6

Listen on Google Play: https://bit.ly/3goFs1d

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